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Shashank Achanthodi

from Chennai, TN

studied Architecture at NIT Trichy


Shashank's articles >>

As you step off the freshly mowed green grass and onto the cold black stone floor within the Sabarmati Ashram, you hear your footstep echo through the building. It is almost as though the architect, Charles Correa, hoped that the user would stop for a second to realize that his simple action had a resonating impact. [ ... ]

oct '13


“It is important, that you honor the material that you use”   - Louis I Kahn, 1971


The quote above has been taken from a rare video of Louis Kahn’s lecture at University of Pennsylvania. The popular video depicts Kahn ‘talking’ to a brick, as he explains to his students, the importance of honoring a material. [ ... ]

sep '13


We may not be the jocks, the popular ones or perhaps not even the smartest. But we are the creative ones. We are the ones who sat in the corner of your classrooms sketching away while the lecturers rambled on in front of us. And even though it may sound unlikely, the whole world kind of depends on us. [ ... ]

aug '13


nov '13


An (almost) daily dose of inspirational quotes and interesting architectural teminologies. [ ... ]

nov '13


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